The robotic equivalent of a Swiss army knife (w/ video)

The device doesn't look like much: a caterpillar-sized assembly of metal rings and strips resembling something you might find buried in a home-workshop drawer. But the technology behind it, and the long-range possibilities ...

Off to the Future with a new Soccer Robot

Computer scientists from the University of Bonn have developed a new robot whose source code and design plan is publicly accessible. It is intended to facilitate the entry into research on humanoids, in particular, the TeenSize ...

Smart robotic drones advance science (w/ Video)

(—Chengyu Cao sees a day in the not-so-distant future when intelligent robots will be working alongside humans on a wide range of important tasks from advancing science, to performing deep sea rescues, to monitoring ...

Wall-Ye wine robot takes bow in Burgundy

A new vineyard worker is looking for a job in France. White with red trim, 50 centimetres (20 inches) tall and 60 wide, he has four wheels, two arms and six cameras, prunes 600 vines per day, and never calls in sick.

Automatic building mapping could help emergency responders

MIT researchers have built a wearable sensor system that automatically creates a digital map of the environment through which the wearer is moving. The prototype system, described in a paper slated for the Intelligent Robots ...

Robots to rescue coral reefs

Researchers at Heriot-Watt are developing a swarm of intelligent robots to help save coral reefs.

Robot NICO learning self awareness using mirrors

(—Self awareness is one of the hallmarks of intelligence. We as human beings clearly understand that we are both our bodies and our minds and that others perceive us in ways differently than we perceive ourselves. ...

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