New cut in EU phone roaming charges on July 1

Roaming charges for EU mobile phone users will reduce further on July 1, including a 55 percent price cut for data downloads, the European Commission said on Tuesday.

EU unveils major telecom reforms, end to roaming charges

The European Commission adopted controversial telecom sector reforms Wednesday which it said would create a 'fully connected' Europe and include an end to hugely unpopular mobile phone roaming charges.

Europe roaming fees cut in time for summer hols

Tourists within Europe can use their smartphones without fear of an outrageous bill waiting at home starting from this year's summer holidays, as the European Union is cutting maximum mobile data roaming rates by 36 percent ...

EU proposes end to roaming charges in mobile shake-up

Europe's Digital Agenda commissioner Neelie Kroes on Thursday proposed a radical shake-up of the mobile phone services market, including an end to roaming charges long denounced by consumer groups.

Europeans to see roaming charges cut abroad

Europeans will pay less from July 1 to use their mobile phones in each other's countries following agreement Wednesday between the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU member states.

Mobile fair takes aim at high roaming charges

The world's biggest mobile fair this week urged operators to convert "silent roamers" or travellers who stop using their phones once abroad for fear of a massive bill.

India says 3G roaming mobile pacts 'illegal'

India's telecom ministry told mobile phone operators on Thursday that they must scrap "illegal" mutual roaming agreements allowing them to provide seamless nationwide 3G services.

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