Vultures prefer roosting near civilization

Human-altered landscapes often bring hardships for wildlife—unless you're a vulture, according to a new study by University of Georgia researchers.

Roman road discovered in the Venice lagoon

The discovery of a Roman road submerged in the Venice Lagoon is reported in Scientific Reports this week. The findings suggest that extensive settlements may have been present in the Venice Lagoon centuries before the founding ...

Research shows Alaska infrastructure at risk of earlier failure

Roads, bridges, pipelines and other types of infrastructure in Alaska and elsewhere in the Arctic will deteriorate faster than expected due to a failure by planners to account for the structures' impact on adjacent permafrost, ...

Coastal flooding increases Bay Area traffic delays and accidents

Almost half of the world's population currently lives in cities and that number is projected to rise significantly in the near future. This rapid urbanization is contributing to increased flood risk due to the growing concentration ...

3D holographic head-up display could improve road safety

Researchers have developed the first LiDAR-based augmented reality head-up display for use in vehicles. Tests on a prototype version of the technology suggest that it could improve road safety by 'seeing through' objects ...

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