New insights on how bird flu crosses the species barrier

In recent years, public health measures, surveillance, and vaccination have helped bring about significant progress in reducing the impact of seasonal flu epidemics, caused by human influenza viruses A and B. However, a possible ...

Genetic analyses reveal new viruses on the horizon

Suddenly they appear, and like the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, can trigger major epidemics: Viruses that nobody had on their radar. They are not really new, but they have changed genetically. In particular, the exchange of genetic ...

New CRISPR tool orchestrates antiviral defense within cells

The rise of RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2 highlights the need for new ways to fight them. RNA-targeting tools like CRISPR/Cas13 are powerful but inefficient in the cytoplasm of cells, where many RNA viruses replicate.

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