A new method simplifies the analysis of RNA structure

To understand the function of an RNA molecule, similar to the better-known DNA and vital for cell metabolism, we need to know its three-dimensional structure. Unfortunately, establishing the shape of an RNA strand is anything ...

If junk DNA is useful, why is it not shared more equally?

The presence of introns in genes requires cells to process "messenger RNA" molecules before synthesizing proteins, a process that is costly and often error-prone. It was long believed that this was simply part of the price ...

The silence of the genes

Viruses have evolved a broad range of strategies that enable them to evade the immune systems of their hosts. A team of researchers led by LMU virologist Professor Jürgen Haas has been studying a novel, recently discovered ...

One 'snapshot' at a time, scientists make a film featuring RNA

Using an original technique based on experimental data, SISSA scientists have created short animations predicting the transition of RNA strands from one conformation to another. The results have been published in the journal ...

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