The West is trading water for cash. The water is running out

When it comes to global warming's one-two punch of inundation and drought, the presence of too much water has had the most impact on U.S. agriculture this year, with farmers across the Midwest swamped by flooding throughout ...

Hydrokinetic proposal for Mississippi river

( -- Everyone is looking for alternative forms of energy, and one company proposes to generate electricity from the flow of the river Mississippi in the US, without using dams to control the water flow.

Source of life running out: water scientists

The majority of people on Earth people will face severe water shortages within a generation or two if pollution and waste continues unabated, scientists warned at a conference in Bonn Friday.

Study: Range of pharmaceuticals in fish across US

(AP) -- Fish caught near wastewater treatment plants serving five major U.S. cities had residues of pharmaceuticals in them, including medicines used to treat high cholesterol, allergies, high blood pressure, bipolar disorder ...

Australia setting the standard for water information exchange

A new water information standard has been announced today by the international standards body Open Geospatial Consortium. Known as WaterML2.0, the new standard will assist in better management of one of our most valuable ...

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