Early civilisation sleeping giant waits off north west coast

The untold story of how ancient Australians once walked a vast submerged sand plain dissected by rivers and rugged outcrops awaits discovery off WA's north-west coast, according to a leading expert from The University of ...

Changing river chemistry affects Eastern US water supplies

Human activities are changing the basic chemistry of many rivers in the Eastern U.S. in ways that have potentially major consequences for urban water supplies and aquatic ecosystems, a University of Maryland-led study has ...

Scientists study how nature cleans uranium from Colorado aquifer

Rifle, Colorado, is a small town on the Colorado River, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, that's big on natural resources. It attracts hunters, fishermen, hikers, rock climbers. Its striking scenery attracted husband-and-wife ...

Rock and Roll: Titan's Gem Tumbler

(PhysOrg.com) -- It appears flash flooding has paved streambeds in the Xanadu region of Saturn's moon Titan with thousands of sparkling crystal balls of ice, according to scientists with NASA's Cassini spacecraft. By analyzing ...

Large boulders help shape huge canyons, researchers find

Anyone who enjoys whitewater rafting in places like the Colorado River owes a debt of gratitude to the enormous boulders that create the foaming undulation known as rapids, and new research appears to shed more light on how ...

Nullarbor region once full of fast-flowing rivers

(Phys.org)—University of Adelaide geologists have shed new light on the origin of Australia's largest delta, the Ceduna Delta, and the river systems which drained the continent millions of years before the Murray-Darling ...

Rover team chooses first rock drilling target for Curiosity

A team of Mars scientists and engineers have chosen the 1st rock drilling target for NASA's Curiosity rover after carefully considering a range of options over the past several weeks at the robots current location inside ...

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