Protect the world's deltas

Extensive areas of the world's deltas—which accommodate major cities such as Shanghai, Dhaka and Bangkok—will be drowned in the next century by rising sea levels, according to a Comment piece in this week's Nature.

New info on an elusive green cicada

For nearly 80 years, the North American cicada Okanagana viridis has received little attention in scientific literature, but a new article in the Annals of the Entomological Society of America provides the first notes on ...

"We should not fight nature but join forces"

Join forces with nature. This should be our land use and coastal and river management strategy. We should not fight nature, but use its power. It is only in this way that we can provide a growing global population with food, ...

Scientists find new arsenic threat in deep water wells

"Dig deep" to avoid naturally occurring arsenic contamination has been promoted as an answer to obtaining safe water in South Asia, which has experienced mass poisoning. But arsenic has been found in numerous deep wells drilled ...

Source of life running out: water scientists

The majority of people on Earth people will face severe water shortages within a generation or two if pollution and waste continues unabated, scientists warned at a conference in Bonn Friday.

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