Image: Tantalus Fossae on Mars

This network of long grooves and scratches forms part of a giant fault system on Mars known as Tantalus Fossae, and is shown here as seen by ESA's Mars Express. At first glance, these features look as if someone has raked ...

Earth Day alert to save our frogs

With climate action a theme of Earth Day 2020 (22 April 2020), a new research paper highlights the plight of some of the most at-risk amphibian species—and shortfalls in most conservation efforts.

Precious Western Australia mineral geologically 'young'

Scientists at Curtin University have chronicled the genesis of a particular type of iron deposit in the state's north, finding that the valuable mineral formed relatively late in Western Australia's evolution.

Listening in on endangered Amazon River dolphins

Monitoring echolocation clicks could be used to track the movements of two endangered freshwater dolphin species that inhabit inaccessible parts of the Amazon Basin—the boto (or pink river dolphin) and the tucuxi—and ...

River beds on the move: Shifting flood risk?

( —A detailed study of shifting river beds, conducted by researchers at the University of St Andrews, could hold the key to more accurate flood prevention.

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