Extinction risk not the answer for reef futures

Leading coral reef scientists in Australia and the USA say there needs to be a new approach to protecting the future of marine ecosystems, with a shift away from the current focus on extinction threat.

Science needs to be more dangerous

Few would argue the world isn't facing enormous challenges: human population growth and the associated demand for resources, mass extinctions or – perhaps the biggest of all – global climate change.

Scientists urge New Zealand to save 'sea hobbit' (Update)

Marine scientists have called on New Zealand immediately to ban fishing in waters inhabited by the world's rarest dolphin, saying that losing just one more of the creatures will threaten the species' existence.

Farm-raised salmon retains healthy omega-3s when baked

Nearly 85 percent of seafood enjoyed by U.S. consumers is imported, and almost half of that is farm raised through a process called "aquaculture," according to the National Aquaculture Association, based in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. ...

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