New study aims to assess how we perceive risks

Do you know how risky scuba diving is compared to riding a motorbike? When choosing between a fairly safe option and a slightly riskier one, which do you take? A new study, launched last night on the BBC's Bang Goes the ...

Where do rats move in after disasters? This team finds out

Imagine you're a researcher working outdoors in a New Orleans summer. It's 100 degrees, and you're going door-to-door in neighborhoods where people have grown tired of being studied by outsiders in the decade since Hurricane ...

New report shows terrorism is top of mind in US

( —More Americans think about terrorist attacks than violent crime victimization or hospitalization, according to a new report published by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism ...

Risk is much more than a game

Wildfires and flooding affect many more people in the USA than earthquakes and landslide and yet the dread, the perceived risk, of the latter two is much greater than for those hazards that are more frequent and cause greater ...

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