Why it's wrong to label students 'at-risk'

Of all the terms used to describe students who don't perform well in traditional educational settings, few are used as frequently– or as casually – as the term "at-risk."

When beneficial bacteria knock but no one is home

The community of beneficial bacteria that live in our intestines, known as the gut microbiome, are important for the development and function of the immune system. There has been growing evidence that certain probiotics—therapies ...

Far-reaching benefits from canine cancer research

A study mapping genes associated with two cancers common in golden retrievers could lead to better prevention and treatment of the disease in dogs as well as similar cancers in people.

A pocket-sized medical lab being tested at the CHUV

The device – a sort of Swiss army knife of medical tests – was created by Qloudlab, a start-up based at EPFL, and is currently undergoing certification at the CHUV hospital. This miniature laboratory is a quick, easy ...

How unhappy cities attract new residents

Urban demographic patterns in the United States often defy logic, but a new research paper co-authored by Harvard Kennedy School Professor Edward Glaeser is shedding light on why many Americans continue to move to cities ...

Variety of genetic risk behind bone cancer in dogs

Bone cancer in dogs is affected by a variety of genetic risk factors. Researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden, and the Broad Institute show this in a new study published in Genome Biology.

Genetic studies of mammary tumours (breast cancer) in dogs

Mammary tumours (breast cancer) are the most common form of cancer in bitches. Kaja Sverdrup Borge's PhD project has led to the identification of genetic changes associated with these types of tumour. Her findings can help ...

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