Lessons from blockbusters to help teams adapt

We all like to think of ourselves as rational human beings. If there's a drastic change in our lives or at work, we can evaluate our options and make the best choice. But James Summers, an expert in team management and adaptation ...

Seeking answers among the ashes of refugee camp fires

In the afternoon hours of March 22, 2021, as women attended to chores and children played in dusty streets, a fire erupted at Kutupalong Balukhali in the Cox's Bazar region of Bangladesh, the largest refugee camp in the world.

Uncertainty colors pandemic workplace decisions

Each day we confront risks at home, at work and in society, but the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of new variants, has changed our relationship with risk. As workers and employers determine health measures and back-to-the-office ...

What do criminal justice risk assessments actually assess?

Exposure to the criminal justice system increases some of the risk factors used to predict recidivism and re-arrest, according to new research out of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. For every arrest or ...

Owner training key to reducing risk of dog bite injuries

Dog attacks have been on the rise and it may the owners who need to go back to school. A new study published in Risk Analysis: An International Journal investigated what leads dog owners to train their pets using positive ...

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