Study finds gap between rich and poor growing regionally, too

There's an old saying about a rising tide lifting all boats—and for more than a century, as the gap between the richest and poorest parts of the U.S. shrank, it seemed as though, in America at least, it might be true.

The tides they are a changin'

Scientists from the University of Southampton have found that ocean tides have changed significantly over the last century at many coastal locations around the world.

Florida is 'Ground Zero' for sea level rise

Warm sunshine and sandy beaches make south Florida and its crown city, Miami, a haven for tourists, but the area is increasingly endangered by sea level rise, experts said Tuesday.

King tides -- a glimpse of future sea level rise

( -- Tomorrow, beach-goers will get a glimpse of what our coastlines may look like in 50 years, when New South Wales and South East Queensland experience the highest daytime ‘king tides’ forecast for 2009.

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