Quantum oscillator responds to pressure

In the far future, superconducting quantum bits might serve as components of high-performance computers. Today already do they help better understand the structure of solids, as is reported by researchers of Karlsruhe Institute ...

Swift progress on NSLS-II booster

The electrons that will generate intense, focused beams of x-rays at NSLS-II are accelerated to their target energy before they enter the large main ring. That crucial job falls on a complex of equipment known as the injector, ...

Dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded: study

Dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded, scientists said Wednesday, in a finding that could debunk one of the most commonly-held images of the extinct giants.

O, Pioneers! (part 2): The derelicts of space

Before the Pioneer 11 spacecraft could venture beyond our solar system, it had to pass through the rings of Saturn. At the time, the rings were not well characterized and some thought the spacecraft could be destroyed. Whatever ...

First ever direct measurement of the Earth's rotation

A group with researchers of the Technical University of Munich, Germany, are the first to plot changes in the Earth's axis through laboratory measurements. To do this, they constructed the world's most stable ring laser. ...

Spacecrafts reveal mysteries of Jupiter and Saturn rings

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a celestial forensic exercise, scientists analyzing data from NASA's Cassini, Galileo and New Horizons missions have traced telltale ripples in Saturn and Jupiter's rings to specific collisions with cometary ...

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