Computer simulations reveal the energy landscape of ion channels

Every cell of our body is separated from its environment by a lipid bilayer. In order to maintain their biological function and to transduce signals, special proteins, so called ion channels, are embedded in the membrane. ...

Plants let chloroplasts know the time

( —Plant cells communicate information about the time of day to their chloroplasts, the part of their cells that underpins all agricultural productivity on Earth, researchers at the University of Bristol have demonstrated ...

Low-power chip for intra-cardiac ventricular fibrillation detection

Imec demonstrated a low-power (20µW), intra-cardiac signal processing chip for the detection of ventricular fibrillation at this week's International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2013) in San Francisco with Olympus. ...

Nano oscillators synchronized by light

(—Synchronization phenomena are everywhere in the physical world—from circadian rhythms to side-by-side pendulum clocks coupled mechanically through vibrations in the wall. Researchers have now demonstrated synchronization ...

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