Related topics: brain

Phone app fights distracted driving with rewards

(AP) -- Having trouble leaving the cell phone alone while you're driving, even though it could get you and bystanders killed? Now, there's an app for that - with cash rewards for resisting the phone.

Starlings give clue to irrational preferences

( -- Research into decision-making by European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) may help to explain why many animals, including humans, sometimes exhibit irrational preferences.

Immediate rewards for good scores can boost student performance

Test performance can improve dramatically if students are offered rewards just before they are given standardized tests and if they receive the incentive immediately afterward, new research at the University of Chicago shows.

Google raises bounty on software bugs

Google on Monday raised to $20,000 its bounty on software bugs that hackers could exploit for cyber attacks on the Internet giant's online services.

To kickstart creativity, offer money, not plaudits, study finds

How should employers reward creative types for turning in fresh, inventive work: with a plaque or a party recognizing their achievement, or with cold, hard cash? According to new research co-written by a University of Illinois ...

Rewarding higher marks with money doesn't make the grade

( -- Rewarding good grades with money has only a modest effect on students, says a new study conducted by researchers Tony Chambers (OISE) and Philip Oreopoulos (economics and U of T Mississauga) at the University ...

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