Related topics: brain

Economist tracks 'nepo baby' effect on young Americans' earnings

The children of stars who enter show business have come to be referred to as "nepo[tism] babies" in popular media. But Hollywood isn't the only industry where it pays to have a well-positioned parent. According to Matthew ...

Why do cats knead?

"Kneading" is when cats massage an object with the front paws, which extend and retract, one paw at a time.

Online finances in a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought tragedy, social and economic decline. However, humanity is finding ways to adapt to the so-called "new normal" in terms of health care, society, business, and finance. Writing in the International ...

Dogs distinguish between intentional and unintentional action

Over their long shared history, dogs have developed a range of skills for bonding with human beings. Their ability to make sense of human actions, demonstrated by every "sit," "lay down," and "roll over," is just one such ...

Ideal marriage partners drive Waorani warriors to war

Why do people go to war when the consequences of warfare are so dramatic? Scholars have suggested that the motivations for participating in war either lie in the individual rewards warriors receive (to the victor goes the ...

Goffin's cockatoos can create and manipulate novel tools

Goffin's cockatoos can tear cardboard into long strips as tools to reach food—but fail to adjust strip width to fit through narrow openings, according to a study published November 7, 2018 in the open-access journal PLOS ...

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