Pilot water conservation project

The Laboratory has launched a pilot project to reduce potable water use by using treated groundwater to cool equipment and research facilities at the main site.

Herbal defluoridation of drinking water

Researchers in India have developed a filter system based on a medicinal herb, which they say can quickly and easily remove "fluoride" from drinking water. The technology described in the March issue of the International ...

Lima billboard is tapped for drinking water

(Phys.org)—A billboard in Lima, Peru, created by ad agency Mayo DraftCFB in collaboration with the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC), captures the air's humidity and turns it into potable water for Lima residents. ...

Drinking water from the sea using solar energy

One of the main ways to obtain drinking water in hot, dry countries surrounded by sea or ocean is through desalination. European researchers developed a high-efficiency and low-cost desalination technology by exploiting solar ...

Radical changes needed to quench the world's thirst

Korea pushes research and development for global water market. Busan, a city of almost 4 million and host of the IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, will be operating the world’s largest seawater reverse osmosis ...

Research makes desalination easier to swallow

"We live in one of the driest places on earth, and so the opportunity to create new sources of water for the Australian community is incredibly important," said Professor Saravanamuth Vigneswaran, Director of UTS Centre for ...

Desalinating seawater with minimal energy use

At a pilot facility in Singapore, Siemens has cut the energy needed to desalinate seawater by more than 50 percent. The plant processes 50 cubic meters of water per day, consuming only 1.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity per ...

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