Asteroid samples escaping from jammed NASA spacecraft

A NASA spacecraft is stuffed with so much asteroid rubble from this week's grab that it's jammed open and precious particles are drifting away in space, scientists said Friday.

China plans to complete space station by 2022

China plans to send four crewed space missions and the same number of cargo craft to complete work on its permanent space station within about two years, officials said after the launch of a newly designed spacecraft aboard ...

US FAA: Boeing must address new issue on 737 MAX

US regulators said Wednesday Boeing must address a new "potential risk" in the Boeing 737 MAX, further clouding the timeframe for resuming service on the planes after two deadly crashes.

Algorithm to transform investment banking with higher returns

A University of Bath researcher has created an algorithm which aims to remove the elements of chance, bias or emotion from investment banking decisions, a development which has the potential to reduce errors in financial ...

Why you can't just throw anything in the recycling bin

For many years the recycling collected from households in the UK and other Western countries has been exported. This strategy has enabled these countries to carry on without much thought about how consumers purchase goods ...

Mars on Earth: What's next?

A Mars sample return campaign would bring samples of the Red Planet back to Earth for examination in the best terrestrial laboratories—but choosing the samples and storing them on Mars for later return is only one part ...

Polluter pays—promoting best practice among plastic producers

I've moved around quite a lot, and one thing that's always really difficult to get my head round when I move to a new place is what I can and can't put in my recycling bin. In one place, plastic had to be put out separately; ...

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