Advisers not enough to guarantee a strong retirement

Starting a new job often includes enrolling in a company's retirement plan. As defined contribution plans, such as 401(k) plans, become more common than pension plans, American workers are increasingly responsible saving ...

Americans are not financially prepared for old age, study finds

Americans are living longer than past generations, and for many that means working longer, too. While for some this might be a choice, for many it is a financial necessity, according to a new report published Oct. 22 by the ...

Millennials are not adequately saving for retirement, study finds

According to the U.S. Census, millennials accounted for more than 25 percent of the population in 2015, yet this significant segment of the workforce might not be prepared for retirement. In a new study, researchers from ...

Should You Save Enough to Live to 100?

First, you were supposed to die at 85. Then 90. Now 95 and even 100 are common defaults when financial planners tell people how much to save for retirement.

Some women's retirement plan: Rely on Prince Charming

Women workers often rely on future spouses to organize their retirement finances, rather than making independent decisions now. Men and women working for private Japanese companies make decisions about their retirement savings ...

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