Retaining older teachers for secondary education

Not all teachers succeed in staying happy with their work until the end of their career. Dissatisfied older teachers will tend to quit before reaching retirement age. Work overload, low status of the profession, disruptive ...

Anxiety about retirement—for aging nuclear power plants

Mention "high costs," "financing" and "safety" in the same sentence as "commercial nuclear power plants," and most people think of the multi-billion-dollar construction or operational phase of these facilities, which provide ...

Retirees in Mexico cut off, study says

Baby boomers retiring in Mexico may find it's cheaper to live there than in Canada or the U.S., however, a study suggests retirees are often isolated both from their families back home - and from the mainstream of Mexican ...

Seniors bolster workforce at Berlin start-ups

Tech start-ups may often be littered with empty pizza boxes, but at a Berlin IT firm, a mouthwatering aroma wafting across the desks promises something truly revolutionary—a tasty and wholesome home-cooked lunch.

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