Researchers uproot decades of buckthorn management practices

According to new research from the University of Minnesota, buckthorn managers have long overestimated the plant, and in doing so, have given the invasive tree a significant advantage in spreading widely and pushing native ...

Research reveals restorative justice reduces recidivism

Restorative justice programs, such victim-offender mediation and community impact panels, are more effective in reducing recidivism rates among juvenile offenders than traditional court processing, a study by researchers ...

New rooms discovered in Sahura's pyramid

An Egyptian-German mission led by Egyptologist Dr. Mohamed Ismail Khaled of the Department of Egyptology at Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg (JMU) has made a significant discovery within Sahura's pyramid.

Study finds aspirin takes the headache out of restoration

New Curtin research has shown how a readily available, cheap and safe-to-use product found in the medicine cabinet of most homes could be the key to better ecological restoration practices with major benefits for the environment ...

The entire planet's ecosystems classified for the first time

A global cross-disciplinary team of scientists led by UNSW Sydney researchers has developed the first comprehensive classification of the world's ecosystems across land, rivers and wetlands, and seas. The ecosystem typology ...

Restore natural forests to meet global climate goals

International plans to restore forests to combat global warming are flawed and will fall far short of meeting 1.5C climate targets, according to new research by UCL and University of Edinburgh scientists.

Coral comeback: Reef 'seeding' in the Caribbean

Mats of algae and seaweed have shrouded the once thick coral in shallow reefs off Jamaica's north coast. Warm ocean waters have bleached out the coral, and in a cascade of ecological decline, the sea urchins and plant-eating ...

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