Immune system protein may help defeat flesh-eating bacteria

A clever protein inside the immune system could be used as a "weapon" against a common bacteria that in extreme cases is responsible for causing deadly flesh-eating disease, scientists from the Australian National University ...

Researchers warn of tick-borne disease babesiosis

"Tis the season for hiking now that spring has arrived and temperatures are on the upswing. But with hikes come insect bites and on the increase in North America is babesiosis, a malaria-like disease spread especially between ...

Study shows genes are read faster and more sloppily in old age

Fast but sloppy, that's how the transcription of genes changes with age. Six research groups from the University of Cologne Cluster of Excellence on Cellular Stress Responses in Age-Associated Diseases (CECAD), the Max Planck ...

Nanoplasmonic imaging reveals real-time protein secretion

EPFL researchers have used a nanoplasmonics approach to observe the real-time production of cell secretions, including proteins and antibodies; an advancement that could aid in the development of cancer treatments, vaccines, ...

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