Human gut bacteria have sex to share vitamin B12

Your gut bacteria need vitamin B12 just as much as you do. Though DNA is usually passed from parent to child, new research shows gut bacteria transfer genes through "sex" in order to take their vitamins.

Antibiotic resistance linked to these household products

The study, by Assistant Professor Hui Peng's research group in the department of chemistry in the Faculty of Arts & Science, was able to show that triclosan—a chemical often included in household items like hand soaps, ...

Scientists raise concerns about popular COVID disinfectants

The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted the unnecessary use of antimicrobial chemicals linked to health problems, antimicrobial resistance, and environmental harm, warn more than two dozen scientists in Environmental Science & ...

Scientists find genes to save ash trees from deadly beetle

An international team of scientists have identified candidate resistance genes that could protect ash trees from the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), a deadly pest that is expected to kill billions of trees worldwide.

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