Looking to wheat's wild ancestors to combat an evolving threat

Except for wheat breeders, producers, and scientists, few people have probably ever heard of einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum), an ancient variety still cultivated in some parts of the Mediterranean. Emmer wheat (T. turgidum), ...

Genetic discovery to keep crops disease-free

Curtin University researchers have found a way to breed disease-resistant wheat with no downside, potentially bringing multi-million dollar savings to Australia's agricultural industry.

Climate-resilient wheat

JIC scientists have discovered that changing temperatures can have a big effect on resistance to yellow rust, one of the most serious diseases of wheat.

Ancient crop could help safeguard world's wheat

(Phys.org) —Using a crop popular in the Bronze Age but almost unknown today, University of Sydney scientists have helped pave the way to creating wheat resistant to the fungal disease stem rust.

Resistance gene found against Ug99 wheat stem rust pathogen

The world's food supply got a little more plentiful thanks to a scientific breakthrough. Eduard Akhunov, associate professor of plant pathology at Kansas State University, and his colleague, Jorge Dubcovsky from the University ...

New club wheat is tough on fungi

Pacific Northwest wheat growers now have added insurance against outbreaks of yield-robbing fungi, thanks to "Cara," a new, white winter club wheat cultivar developed by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists.

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