New corrosion protection that repairs itself

Skyscrapers, bridges, ships, airplanes, cars—everything humans make or build sooner or later decays. The ravages of time are known as corrosion; nothing is safe from it.

Fast-as-lightning 3D microprinting with two lasers

Printing objects from plastic precisely, quickly, and inexpensively is the goal of many 3D printing processes. However, speed and high resolution remain a technological challenge. A research team from the Karlsruhe Institute ...

Wind turbine blades could someday be recycled into sweet treats

Wind power is an increasingly popular form of renewable energy. However, when it's time to replace the huge turbine blades that convert wind into electricity, disposal is a problem. Now, scientists report a new composite ...

Medicines 3D-printed in seven seconds

Medicines can be printed in seven seconds in a new 3D-printing technique that could enable rapid on-site production of medicines, reports a UCL-led research team.

Creating a 3-D-printed bioresorbable airway stent

Narrowing of the trachea or the main bronchi due to injury or illness can end very badly. If patients get too little air,oxygen, they risk suffocating and often need medical help as quickly as possible.

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