Rapid chemical synthesis of proteins by a new amino acid partner

The development of new methods for the chemical synthesis of proteins is highly significant to access a range of proteins inaccessible by conventional approaches. Dr. Ivano Pusterla and Prof. Jeffery Bode of ETH-Zürich and ...

Agronomist weighs environmental impacts of corn residue removal

Farmers who are considering selling corn residue from their fields to produce cellulosic ethanol first should weigh a range of site-specific factors to their operations, according to new research from an Iowa State University ...

Medical residues purified from wastewater with new techniques

Contaminants such as medical residues and pesticides go through the traditional wastewater purifying process and go back to the environment. Concern over their volyme in waste and drinking water is growing globally. Research ...

Breaking new ground on restoring healthy soil

(Phys.org) —Researchers from The University of Western Australia, working with Alcoa of Australia, are breaking new ground on finding ways to transform bauxite residue into healthy soils.

DNA reveals new clues: Why did mammoths die out?

Why did mammoths and other large mammals of the tundra suddenly become extinct some 10,000 years ago? It's a question that has divided scientists over the years. Now researchers from Lund University in Sweden (and 30 other ...

Researchers develop new cement mortar from seagrass residues

Researchers at the University of Alicante have developed a new process for manufacturing concrete to achieve greater resistance. This is a new mortar based on Portland cement with the addition of the ashes retrieved from ...

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