Student start-up reduces toxic threat of pesticides

Imagine you're a farmer whose crops are nearing their harvest time. You've just sprayed them with standard pesticides to keep the bugs away until the fruit is ready, and then you see a report that there will be huge storm ...

Surprising findings on forest fires

Lake Van in eastern Turkey is considered a unique climate archive. Several years ago, an international team of scientists led by the University of Bonn raised sediments from the bottom of the lake reflecting the past 600,000 ...

Crop residue decisions affect soil life between planting seasons

After harvest in the fall, farmers take the harvested crops to market or store them on their farm. They don't take the whole plant from the field, though. The leftover parts of the plant, like the stalk and leaves from corn, ...

Cats in a cage: Novel hybrid nanocages for faster catalysis

A novel hybrid ferritin nanocage with histidine residues shows 1.5 times higher metal ion uptake and improved catalytic efficiency for alcohol production, according to researchers from Tokyo Tech in a new study. Their findings ...

Shell divers shut off North Sea oil leak

Divers working for oil giant Shell have turned off the valve which has been leaking oil into the North Sea causing the worst spill in the area for a decade, the company said Friday.

Analyzing long-term impacts of biofuel on the land

The growing development and implementation of renewable biofuel energy has considerable advantages over using declining supplies of fossil fuels. However, meeting the demands of a fuel-driven society may require utilizing ...

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