Cats in a cage: Novel hybrid nanocages for faster catalysis

A novel hybrid ferritin nanocage with histidine residues shows 1.5 times higher metal ion uptake and improved catalytic efficiency for alcohol production, according to researchers from Tokyo Tech in a new study. Their findings ...

Farm fires stoke Indian capital's pollution crisis

Crackling flames and plumes of smoke rise from the earth as farmers set their fields alight in northern India—an annual post-harvest practice that shrouds New Delhi in toxic smog.

An easier way to test produce for pesticides

Maria Fidalgo, an associate professor in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Missouri, and a team of students and international collaborators have come up with a way to use sensors and films to detect ...

Songbird ancestors evolved a new way to taste sugar

Humans can easily identify sweet-tasting foods—and with pleasure. However, many carnivorous animals lack this ability, and whether birds, descendants of meat-eating dinosaurs, can taste sweet was previously unclear. An ...

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