Researching new ways to use secondary logging materials

The first image that may come to mind when someone says "logging" is trucks loaded with logs, ready for transport to a sawmill. But what about the rest of the tree: the branches and tops that cannot be cut into boards or ...

Big data and innovations for healthy bees

Big data, an interactive platform and six different technological innovations are the core of the recently started Horizon 2020 project B-GOOD ( in its 4-year mission to pave the way toward healthy ...

Smart device detects food contaminants in real time

Some consumers place importance on locally grown or organic food. Others want the products they purchase to look and taste good. Yet others focus on low prices. However, no matter what their other requirements, everyone would ...

Forest and sea residues strengthen the stomach

With the help of forest residues such as sawdust, branches and tops (GROT), and cellulose from sea squirts, researchers in Biochemical Process Engineering at Luleå University of Technology want to make our stomach to feel ...

Pork essentially free of veterinary drug residues

In a basic survey of more than a thousand pork kidney samples, almost no veterinary drug residues were found and none at levels that even approached U. S. regulatory limits, according to a study just published by an Agricultural ...

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