Underwater robots help discover hidden faults

(Phys.org)—Hidden beneath ocean waves and masked by sand and mud on the seafloor, underwater faults are notoriously difficult to see and even more difficult to study. As a result, geologists struggle to evaluate the risks ...

Good news for coast: Nor'easter to weaken

Northeast coastal residents got some good news Tuesday. Weather experts say that a new storm that threatens to complicate Hurricane Sandy cleanup efforts on Wednesday now looks like it will be weaker than expected.

Oil spill detected near Exxon operations in Nigeria

An oil spill has been detected along the coast of southern Nigeria near operations for US giant ExxonMobil, the company said Monday, but the cause and size of the leak remained unclear.

Minorities pay more for water and sewer

Racial minorities pay systemically more for basic water and sewer services than white people, according to a study by Michigan State University researchers.

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