Using turbulence to keep dams clean

Sediment builds up in reservoir water and can prevent dams from operating properly. EPFL researchers have come up with a method of keeping sediment in suspension and allowing it be flushed out.

Ancient ocean methane is not an immediate climate change threat

Deep below the ocean's surface, the seafloor contains large quantities of naturally occurring, ice-like deposits made up of water and concentrated methane gas. For decades, climate scientists have wondered if this methane ...

Spain, Portugal smash April temperature records

Mainland Spain and Portugal have broken temperature records for April, officials said Friday, as both nations wilt in an unusually early heatwave that has raised the risk of wildfires.

Creating a stopwatch for volcanic eruptions

We've long known that beneath the scenic landscapes of Yellowstone National Park sleeps a supervolcano with a giant chamber of hot, partly molten rock below it.

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