Squirrel sperm and feet tell a different climate change story

Perhaps it's time to replace the canary in a coal mine metaphor with a squirrel in the ground. Because two University of Manitoba studies found that climate change is altering ground squirrels' sperm and feet, and this warns ...

Reef halos may enable coral telehealth checkups worldwide

Coral reef halos, also known as grazing halos or sand halos, are bands of bare, sandy seafloor that surround coral patch reefs. These features, clearly-visible from satellite imagery, may provide a window into reef health ...

New fishing management tools for the Pyrenean marine coastline

The Pyrenean marine coastline has a high biological connectivity between fish populations that move around different habitats at a regional scale, according to the RESMED project (2019–2021), an initiative based on acoustic ...

Fossil fuel reserves contain 3.5 tn tonnes of CO2: database

Burning the world's remaining fossil fuel reserves would unleash 3.5 trillion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions—seven times the remaining carbon budget to cap global heating at 1.5C—according to the first public inventory ...

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