COVID-19's historic economic impact in the U.S. and abroad

More than 2.1 million people around the world have become infected with COVID-19, and more than 140,000 people have died from the disease. The United States, now approaching 650,000 infections, is the new epicenter of the ...

Can coral reefs 'have it all'?

Though coral reefs are in sharp decline across the world, scientists say some reefs can still thrive with plentiful fish stocks, high fish biodiversity, and well-preserved ecosystem functions.

The economic risk of coronavirus

While most people are primarily concerned with how the coronavirus will affect health—locally, nationally, and globally—others are considering the economic ramifications. Now that the World Health Organization has officially ...

Global database for Karst spring discharges

When carbonate rocks weather, karst landscapes are formed. The groundwater reserves in these layers of earth currently supply 10 to 20 percent of the world population with drinking water. So far, however, researchers have ...

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