Researchers at IceCube detect record energy neutrinos

( —Researchers at the Antarctic research station IceCube are reporting that they've detected the highest ever energy neutrinos ever observed. In their paper they've uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, the team ...

NASA touts space research in anti-cancer fight

Experiments in the weightless environment of space have led to "crazy progress" in the fight against cancer, NASA officials said at a recent event highlighting an important and personal initiative of US President Joe Biden.

Research aims to improve predictions of heavy rainfall events

With recent extreme weather events happening in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally, new research published in Nature Geoscience aims to improve predictions of heavy rainfall and provide the public with earlier warnings ...

Scientists in Arctic race to preserve 'ice memory'

Scientists camped in the Arctic are set to start drilling to save samples of ancient ice for analysis before the frozen layers melt away due to climate change, mission organizers said on Monday.

Vast iceberg breaks off near UK Antarctic base

Satellite imagery confirms an enormous iceberg, around five times the size of Malta, has finally calved from Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf. The new berg, estimated to be around 1550 sq km and around 150 m thick, calved when ...

Global warming reaches central Greenland

A temperature reconstruction from ice cores of the past 1,000 years reveals that today's warming in central-north Greenland is surprisingly pronounced. The most recent decade surveyed in a study, the years 2001 to 2011, was ...

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