Rescue of icebound Antarctic ship faces setback

A Chinese icebreaker that was en route to rescue a ship trapped in Antarctic ice was forced to turn back on Saturday after being unable to push its way through the heavy sea ice.

Icebound ship in Antarctica edges closer to rescue

A ship that has been trapped in thick Antarctic ice since Christmas Eve was nearing rescue on Friday, after a Chinese icebreaker named the Snow Dragon drew close to the icebound vessel.

Google-funded sea research vessel sets sail

A $60 million research ship funded by a Google executive is setting sail from San Francisco to study a so-called "dead zone" in the Pacific Ocean and other mysteries of the sea.

Mobile aerosol observing units deployed at Cape Cod

Bracing against -10 degree Celsius temperatures in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Brookhaven atmospheric chemist Stephen Springston and his team recently completed a one-week restaging of two portable atmospheric sampling stations ...

Sad end for 'Happy Feet Jr.' in New Zealand

A penguin dubbed Happy Feet junior that washed up in New Zealand 2,000 kilometres (1,250 miles) from his home has died despite intensive efforts to save him, Wellington Zoo said Friday.

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