US agencies face uphill battle for tech talent

The US government agencies that defend the nation are in the midst of a charm offensive—trying to win over the hearts and minds of Silicon Valley's tech workers.

South Koreans triumph in US robot challenge

South Korean boffins carried home the $2 million top prize Saturday after their robot triumphed in a disaster-response challenge inspired by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan.

'Deep web search' may help scientists

When you do a simple Web search on a topic, the results that pop up aren't the whole story. The Internet contains a vast trove of information—sometimes called the "Deep Web"—that isn't indexed by search engines: information ...

Future US Navy: Robotic sub-hunters, deepsea pods

The robotic revolution that transformed warfare in the skies will soon extend to the deep sea, with underwater spy "satellites," drone-launching pods on the ocean floor and unmanned ships hunting submarines.

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