Restrictions on research grant applications cause chaos

Mathematicians at the University of Kent, with input from the University of Sheffield, have established that current restrictions on academics applying for research grants are causing major problems, harming smaller institutions ...

Facebook donates servers to speed up research into AI (Update)

Facebook announced Thursday it was donating computer servers to a number of research institutions across Europe, starting with Germany, to accelerate research efforts into artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Research facility network catalyses Europe's biomass potential

Completed in September 2015, the four-year BRISK project brought together 26 partners from across Europe – various academic and research institutions – to establish a highly visible network of demonstration rigs.

New report examines regulation of federally funded research

Continuing expansion of federal research regulations and requirements is diminishing the effectiveness of the U.S. scientific enterprise and lowering the return on the federal investment in research by directing investigators' ...

Researchers building high-speed data 'freeway system'

For the last three years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has made a series of competitive grants to over 100 U.S. universities to aggressively upgrade their campus network capacity for greatly enhanced science data ...

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