South Koreans triumph in US robot challenge

South Korean boffins carried home the $2 million top prize Saturday after their robot triumphed in a disaster-response challenge inspired by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan.

Anonymous, loose-knit group of 'hacktivists'

Anonymous, which briefly knocked the FBI and Justice Department websites offline in retaliation for the US shutdown of file-sharing site Megaupload, is a shadowy group of international hackers with no central hierarchy.

UK stays cautious over thorium as nuclear fuel

(—The claim is dramatic: An alternative nuclear fuel that could offer a safer and more abundant alternative to the uranium that powers conventional reactors. That is what supporters have to say about thorium, a ...

First-of-its-kind search engine will speed materials research

Researchers from the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) jointly launched today a groundbreaking new online tool called the ...

Crystals detect threats to national security

Using a crystal ball to protect homeland security might seem far-fetched, but researchers at Wake Forest University and Fisk University have partnered to develop crystals that can be used to detect nuclear threats, radioactive ...

Hawaiʻi phones capture data in Tonga volcano blast

The explosion of the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga-Haʻapai on January 15, released a blast "sound" wave that reverberated through Earth's atmosphere and was recorded around the world by monitoring stations—and smartphones. ...

Pushing the limits of gas sensing technology

The world has become increasingly industrialized over the past few centuries, bringing all sorts of technology and conveniences to the masses. However, workers in industrial environments are often at risk of exposure to many ...

Software's take on the light bulb joke

( -- It takes five men to change a light bulb*, even more to pack a shipping crate. After all, filling space is very hard. But a European project has developed tools to optimise packing problems in just a few ...

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