Related topics: barack obama

Republicans top Democrats with Facebook fans

Republicans will have to wait until Tuesday to find out if they make the big gains many expect in the US Congress but they have already beaten the Democrats in another arena -- Facebook.

It's not what politicians say but what we hear

There is increasing evidence that individuals interpret the same election message in different ways, according to their personal political views, say experts in the British Medical Journal today.

New Republican Party 2.0 website unveiled

The Republican Party launched a redesigned website Tuesday with a heavy emphasis on the social media tools that Democrat Barack Obama used so effectively to win the last presidential election.

Politicians using Twitter in growing numbers

John McCain took to the Senate floor Monday and talked about twittering. For the increasingly popular networking tool, it was either a moment that marked the technology's full-bore entry into the cultural mainstream -- or ...

Biden, in environment push, protects lands near Grand Canyon

Joe Biden used the backdrop of the Grand Canyon Tuesday to champion the climate fight—and distinguish himself from the Republican right—by designating large swathes of surrounding sacred land with protective status.

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