Lax rules put Congo's forests, key carbon reserve, at risk

Without new conservation efforts, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) could lose up to 20 percent of its forests, unleashing a 60 percent increase in carbon emissions, says a new study by researchers at the University ...

Lion makes surprise comeback in Gabon

The noble lion has made a comeback in southeast Gabon, after disappearing for years, according to US wildlife organisation Panthera, which recently took live video footage of a male.

Near-extinct forest giraffe shows resilience in a war zone

( —A pioneering genetic study of the endangered Congolese Okapi has for the first time unravelled the mystery behind its evolutionary origins and genetic structure. The new information will prove indispensable ...

Thermal monitoring of volcanic activity from space

Data from the Meteosat satellite 36,000 km from Earth, has been used to measure the temperature of lava at the Nyiragongo lava lake in the Democratic Republic of Congo. An international team compared data from the Spinning ...

World Bank approves $73 mn for DR Congo hydro project

The World Bank approved Thursday $73.1 million in financing to the Democratic Republic of Congo to support development of the massive Inga 3 hydropower project in the energy-hungry country.

First 'ethical smartphone' takes a big risk

A device billed as the world's first ethically sourced smartphone was unveiled in London this week, but despite thousands of pre-orders its designer says the project remains a huge gamble.

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