How early reptiles moved

Jena (Germany) Modern scientists would have loved the sight of early reptiles running across the Bromacker near Tambach-Dietharz (Germany) 300 million years ago. Unfortunately this journey through time is impossible. But ...

Tortoise populations can withstand fires every 30 years

Populations of spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca), a species classified as vulnerable and at risk of extinction, can withstand fires if outbreaks occur once every three decades or more. However, the youngest tortoises ...

Hanoi's renowned turtle free again

An ageing giant turtle revered as a symbol of Vietnam's independence struggle has won back her freedom back three months after being captured for medical treatment, an official said on Wednesday.

New US exhibit probes dinosaur mysteries

Dinosaurs have captivated the public for decades, but a new US exhibit aims to show that there is still much about the giant reptiles that baffles experts and amateurs alike.

Body temperatures of dinosaurs measured for the first time

( -- Were dinosaurs slow and lumbering, or quick and agile? It depends largely on whether they were cold or warm blooded. When dinosaurs were first discovered in the mid-19th century, paleontologists thought they ...

Invasive night geckos outcompete local day geckos

The nocturnal house gecko is an aggressive island invader with a bad reputation when it comes to interaction with the locals. House geckos have already contributed to the demise of many similar species active during the night.

Thailand seizes hundreds of turtles in air luggage

Thai customs have discovered hundreds of live turtles and other rare animals in luggage at Bangkok's main airport, the latest in a series of wildlife seizures in the kingdom, an official said on Thursday.

Good guy or bad guy? Diagnosing stomach disease in pet reptiles

Indigestion is surprisingly common in pet snakes and other reptiles. It frequently results from a parasitic infection known as cryptosporidiosis, to which reptiles seem especially prone. Cryptosporidiosis is highly contagious ...

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