Related topics: women

Study links fracking, drinking water pollution, and infant health

New research documents for the first time the pollution of public water supplies caused by shale gas development, commonly known as fracking, and its negative impact of infant health. These findings call for closer environmental ...

Study provides framework for assessing emotions in wild animals

A world-first holistic framework for assessing the mental and psychological well-being of wild animals has been developed by UTS Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Andrea Harvey, a veterinarian and animal welfare ...

Steroid links fat accumulation with egg development

Nutrition and metabolism are closely linked with reproductive health. Several reproductive disorders including polycystic ovary syndrome, amenorrhea, and ovarian cancer have been linked to malnutrition, diabetes, and obesity. ...

Bringing endangered species back from the brink

A technique to produce eggs from ovarian tissue in the lab may offer hope for critically endangered species like the Northern White Rhino that have passed what is currently considered the point of no return.

Birds choose sweet-smelling mates

For most animals, scent is the instant messenger of choice for quickly exchanging personal profiles. Scientists, however, have long dismissed birds as odor-eschewing luddites that don't take advantage of scent-based communications.

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