Linux B-day celebrations rattled by break-in

( -- Just days after celebrations marking the 20th birthday of Linux, the operating system revered around the globe as a rock-solid open source triumph, news surfaced that key servers used to maintain and distribute ...

Taking the drudgery out of software development

( -- Software developers will no longer have to reinvent the wheel when writing new programs and applications thanks to a clever new set of tools and a central repository of 'building blocks'.

Dam strength determined by balanced rocks

Balanced rocks, poised in position for 24,000 years, have been used to assess the current seismic integrity of the Clyde Dam in a University of Otago-led study.

New tool tackles reproducibility crisis in science

The scientific community has been struggling with the problem of data reproducibility—a key step in the process that guides how most scientists create knowledge in their field.

New Mexico nuke repository studied for plutonium storage

The U.S. Department of Energy has commissioned a national group of scientists to study the viability of diluting surplus weapons-grade plutonium and storing it permanently at the federal government's underground repository ...

Feds: No 'show-stoppers' found in nuke readiness review

U.S. Energy Department officials said Thursday no "show-stoppers" were found during an intensive review of whether the federal government's nuclear waste repository in southern New Mexico is ready to reopen following a radiation ...

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