Kansas won't release data from reading, math tests

Kansas won't be issuing any report cards this year on how well its public school students performed on standardized reading and math tests after cyberattacks and other problems this spring.

Mild 2013 cuts Arctic a break, warming woes remain

The rapid melting in the Arctic eased up this year. But the government says global warming is still dramatically altering the top of the world, reducing the number of reindeer and shrinking snow and ice, while increasing ...

'Report card' gives Mississippi River basin a D+

A report card is out on the Mississippi River basin, and the grade is not good: a D+, with an aging transportation infrastructure topping the list of concerns.

Reading, math scores fell sharply during pandemic, data show

Math and reading scores for America's 9-year-olds fell dramatically during the first two years of the pandemic, according to a new federal study—offering an early glimpse of the sheer magnitude of the learning setbacks ...

Colombia pioneers community-based basin report card model

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES), along with local partners, released the Colombian Orinoco River Basin Report Card—the first of its kind in of South America—to ...

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