Japan 'plans solar panels for all new buildings'

Japan is considering a plan that would make it compulsory for all new buildings and houses to come fitted with solar panels by 2030, a business daily said Sunday.

First-ever global life cycle assessment of renewable energy future

A future where electricity comes mostly from low-carbon sources is not only feasible in terms of material demand, but will significantly reduce air pollution, a study published in the today's Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Morocco launches solar mega-project at Ouarzazate

Morocco on Friday officially launched the construction of a 160-megawatt solar power plant near the desert city of Ouarzazate, the first in a series of vast solar projects planned in the country.

New study finds EPA mercury analysis is 'seriously flawed'

A new study by experts from prominent academic institutions finds that an EPA cost-benefit analysis of its Mercury and Air Toxics Standards is "seriously flawed." The authors assert that the analysis disregards public health ...

Hydroelectric generator can be carried like a backpack

Bourne Energy, a company based in Malibu, California, specializes in a variety of hydropower systems. While most of its technology is for large-scale applications, with multiple units generating energy on the megawatt scale, ...

An answer to green energy could be in the air

(PhysOrg.com) -- In Mark Moore's world, long nanotubes reach into the clouds, serving at once to tether a turbine-vehicle flying at 2,000 feet, or 10,000 feet, or 30,000 feet (610, 3,050 and 9,150 meters); and also to conduct ...

Solar and wind energy may stabilise the power grid

(Phys.org)—Renewable energies such as wind, sun and biogas are set to become increasingly important in generating electricity. If increasing numbers of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems feed electrical energy into ...

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