Crambe could be an even better oil crop thanks to gene technology

It is possible to apply genetic modification to the crop crambe so it meets market demands and takes into account what modern society wants. These are the results of research for which Weicong Qi will receive his PhD on 27 ...

Soaking up the sun

When it comes to solar power, it's a case of the more blue the better according to Victoria University of Wellington researcher Dr Jonathan Halpert.

Sugar, not oil

No more oil – renewable raw materials are the future. This motto not only applies to biodiesel, but also to isobutene, a basic product used in the chemical industry. In a pilot plant researchers now want to obtain this ...

Chemical products on a renewable basis

A breakthrough in the use of renewable raw materials in chemical production has been achieved by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and its industrial partner AVA Biochem: In January this year, a facility at AVA Biochem ...

New technique makes 'biogasoline' from plant waste

Gasoline-like fuels can be made from cellulosic materials such as farm and forestry waste using a new process invented by chemists at the University of California, Davis. The process could open up new markets for plant-based ...

Reducing CO2 footprint with bio-plastics

Today, the vast majority of plastics are still made using non-renewable fossil fuels, especially petroleum. With concerns about environmental impact and climate change increasing, some researchers have begun to look for alternatives.

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