Seeing beneath the soil to uncover the past

Archaeology is no longer just about digging holes. New research by a team led from the University of Leeds promises to improve the investigation of our heritage from the air.

Mapping mangrove biomass

A comparison of three techniques to detect changes in mangrove forest areas suggests one gives more reliable results than the other two, and this finding will help researchers better understand growth and loss of this important ...

X-SAT beams images back to Singapore

Singapore's first locally-built micro-satellite in space, X-SAT, has started to transmit images back to Singapore.

Research brings habitat models into the future

Time marches on, and thanks to Michigan State University research, models of wildlife habitat now can monitor changes over time more accurately and more easily.

Cleaning the Chesapeake Bay from space

( -- A pilot test of an innovative use of new remote sensing technologies to aid the Chesapeake Bay cleanup begins this year in Talbot County, Md., on the Bay's Eastern Shore.

Airborne ecologists help balance delicate African ecosystem

The African savanna is world famous for its wildlife, especially the iconic large herbivores such as elephants, zebras, and giraffes. But managing these ecosystems and balancing the interests of the large charismatic mammals ...

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