Avian flu hits bird paradise of Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos National Park said Tuesday that it had detected its first cases of avian flu on the remote islands, home to unique bird species that helped inspire the theory of evolution.

Increase in plastics reaching remote South Atlantic Islands

The amount of plastic washing up onto the shores of remote South Atlantic islands is 10 times greater than it was a decade ago, according to new research published today (8 October) in the journal Current Biology.

Fair Isle Bird Observatory—Watching the birdwatchers

Note: This post was scheduled just as news came in that the Fair Isle Bird Observatory had been destroyed by fire on Sunday, 10th March 2019). Thankfully, nobody was injured in the fire. Plans are already afoot to rebuild, ...

Video: Pine Island Glacier spawns 'piglets'

As anticipated, Pine Island Glacier, known as PIG for short, in Antarctica has just spawned a huge iceberg. At over 300 sq km, about the size of Malta, this huge berg very quickly broke into many 'piglet' pieces the largest ...

Remote islands: Stepping stones to understanding evolution

For millions of years, remote islands have been hotbeds of biodiversity, where unique species have flourished. Scientists have proposed different theories to explain how animals and plants colonize and evolve on islands but ...

Northern fur seals multiply on steaming Alaska volcano

Alaska's northern fur seal population for three decades has been classified as depleted, but the marine mammals are showing up in growing numbers at an unlikely location—a tiny island that forms the tip of an active undersea ...

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